Lielstraupe castle in Latvia

Lielstraupe castle is one of the medieval castles in Latvia which, though encountered many reconstructions, has been preserved till this day. It is the only castle in Latvia, which is joined with a church.

The castle was built for the vassal of Riga archbishop, it is believed that the construction was done in 1263. First mention of it in writings is in 1310, when it was surrounded by Lithuanian army.

The castle is one of the few properties in Latvia that was managed by the same family for hundreds of years. Since second half of the 13th century it belonged to the von Rosen family, who, with interruptions, managed the property until 1939.

During the wars of 17th century the castle was ravaged and burnt often, and for some time only ruins remained. When the castle no longer had a military purpose, it was rebuilt to be a manor. Last time it was restored was after it had been burned down in 1905. The old details were reconstructed, staying true to history and maintaining the mood that’s unique to this particular building. The restoration of the castle was carried out under the supervision of Baltic-German architect Wilhelm Bockslaff (1858—1945) from 1906 to 1909. The restoration work completed in the castle became the first scientific restoration examples in Latvian manor architecture.

In Soviet times, from 1949 till 1959, the castle was home to Lielstraupe tractor station administration. During this time some of the premises were made into classrooms and dorms for the tractor drivers, and the former manor stables were made into workshops. Since 1963, the castle is managed by medical institutions. Originally, premises were occupied by Lielstraupe Psycho-neurological Hospital which later on became Straupe Hospital for Addiction Rehabilitation,.With the right attitude from hospital administration the castle interior still features oak stairs, door frames and flooring, as well as the magnificent and various pottery ovens that were built at the beginning of 20th century.

From 2018 the castle is open for visitors.

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