Bilskas muiža - Small manor in Latvia

Bilska, Bilskas muiža, Vidzeme, Letland

  1. Herregård
  2. 24,000 m² Landareal
  3. 855 m² Brugbart areal
  4. 2 Gulve
  5. Byggeår 1875

Bilskenhof was formerly called Hoevelshof and was owned by Theodor Bielski, to whom it owes its later name. In the Swedish period of Livonia, the estate first came into the possession of the State Councillor Baner. In the 18th century the Baltic families v. Grünblatt, v. Tiesenhusen and v. Lilienfeld were known as owners. The last owner was probably the general's wife Charlotte von Hansen, née von Transehe. After the Latvian land reform the house served as a school for a long time. The modest manor house has 9 axes, including a 3-axis central risalite and is crowned with a high gable roof. It has a full basement. Electricity is connected to the house, water is currently supplied only by a well on the property. Behind the house there are the remains of a historical park with a pond. The structural condition of the manor house is average.




Strukturel tilstand
til renovering
Nuværende anvendelse

Beliggenhed og omgivelser

The manor is about 10 km from Smiltene, 44 km from Valmiera and 148 km from Riga.

Andre, særlige kendetegn

The manor house is located about 10 km from Smiltene, 44 km from Valmiera and 148 km from Riga.

DKK 440,063
EUR 59.000
Pris pr. m²EUR 69,01

Der Gutshaus Makler
17207 Ludorf
Rondell 7-8, Tyskland
Manfred Achtenhagen
Kontakt os
Fastnetnummer: +49 39931 84011
Abonner på Der Gutshaus Makler

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Manfred Achtenhagen
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