Art Nouveau Villa in Chur, Switzerland

Chur, St. Luzistrasse 2, Graubünden/Grigioni/Grischun, Svejts

  1. Historisk villa
  2. 637 m² Landareal
  3. 517 m² Boligareal
  4. Byggeår 1912

The Art Nouveau villa for sale is located at St. Luzistrasse 2 and is thus very close to the old town of Chur, in a relatively sunny south-facing location.


The house, built in 1912, is a building worth preserving and therefore belongs to the valuable cultural assets of the city of Chur. The house is characterized by picturesque motifs, round gables and bay windows.


The property area is 637 m². The apartment building has four spacious apartments. On the first floor there is a 2½-room apartment, on the 1st and 2nd floor there is a 5½-room apartment each and on the 3rd floor there is a 4½-room apartment. This results in a total rentable area of 517 m². A mortgage with an exciting interest rate can be assumed.


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For a consultation, Mrs. Nicole Pinggera is at your disposal.

Please contact the seller for information on possible restrictions on the purchase of real estate in Switzerland.


Art Nouveau
DKK 22,257,903
CHF 2,900,000
Pris pr. m²CHF 5,609.28

Federico Immobilien AG
7000 Chur
Gürtelstrasse 37, Svejts
Antonio Federico
Kontakt os
Fastnetnummer: +41 81 250 52 20
Abonner på Federico Immobilien AG

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Nicole PinggeraVi taler   Deutsch  Vi taler   English  Vi taler   Italiano 
Federico Immobilien AG
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